A 83-01 (CAS 909910-43-6) (2024)

Catalog #: 2939
84 Citations 1 Review Datasheet / COA / SDS

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Description: Selective inhibitor of TGF-βRI, ALK4 and ALK7

Chemical Name: 3-(6-Methyl-2-pyridinyl)-N-phenyl-4-(4-quinolinyl)-1H-pyrazole-1-carbothioamide

Purity: ≥98%

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Product Details

Citations (84)

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Reviews (1)

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Biological Activity

A 83-01 is a potent inhibitor of TGF-β type I receptor ALK5 kinase, type I activin/nodal receptor ALK4 and type I nodal receptor ALK7 (IC50 values are 12, 45 and 7.5 nM respectively). A 83-01 blocks phosphorylation of Smad2 and inhibits TGF-β-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Only weakly inhibits ALK-1, -2, -3, -6 and MAPK activity. More potent than SB 431542 (Cat. No. 1614). A 83-01 inhibits differentiation of rat induced pluripotent stem cells (riPSCs) and increases clonal expansion efficiency. Helps maintain hom*ogeneity and long-term in vitro self-renewal of human iPSCs. Also promotes neural differentiation of hPSCs as part of a chemical co*cktail.

A 83-01 synthesized to Ancillary Material Grade also available.

For more information about how A 83-01 may be used, see our protocol: Converting Fibroblasts into Cardiomyocytes (9C co*cktail)

Technical Data






Soluble to 50 mM in DMSO




Store at -20°C



The technical data provided above is for guidance only. For batch specific data refer to the Certificate of Analysis.
Tocris products are intended for laboratory research use only, unless stated otherwise.

Background References

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  44. Cytokine responsive networks in human colonic epithelial organoids unveil a molecular classification of inflammatory bowel disease
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Citations for A 83-01

The citations listed below are publications that use Tocris products. Selected citations for A 83-01 include:

84 Citations: Showing 1 - 10

  1. ERdj5 protects goblet cells from endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis under inflammatory conditions
    Authors: Jeong Et al.
    Exp Mol Med 2023;
  2. FOXA2 drives lineage plasticity and KIT pathway activation in neuroendocrine prostate cancer.
    Authors: Han Et al.
    Cancer Cell 2022;40:1306
  3. Optimized human intestinal organoid model reveals interleukin-22-dependency of paneth cell formation.
    Authors: He Et al.
    Cell Stem Cell 2022;29:1333
  4. An airway organoid-based screen identifies a role for the HIF1α-glycolysis axis in SARS-CoV-2 infection.
    Authors: Duan Et al.
    Cell Rep. 2021;37:109920
  5. Global phosphoproteomics reveal CDK suppression as a vulnerability to KRas addiction in pancreatic cancer.
    Authors: Kazi Et al.
    Clin Cancer Res 2021;27:4012
  6. A versatile polypharmacology platform promotes cytoprotection and viability of human pluripotent and differentiated cells.
    Authors: Chen Et al.
    Nat.Methods 2021;18:528
  7. Microenvironment drives cell state, plasticity, and drug response in pancreatic cancer.
    Authors: Raghavan Et al.
    Cell 2021;184:6119
  8. Robotic high-throughput biomanufacturing and functional differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells.
    Authors: Tristan Et al.
    Stem Cell Rep 2021;16:3076
  9. Critical Role of Type III Interferon in Controlling SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Human Intestinal Epithelial Cells
    Authors: Stanifer Et al.
    Cell Rep 2020;32:107863
  10. Snake venom gland organoids.
    Authors: Post Et al.
    Cell 2020;180:233
  11. Immunoevolution of mouse pancreatic organoid isografts from preinvasive to metastatic disease.
    Authors: Filippini Et al.
    Sci Rep 2019;9:12286
  12. Evaluating Shigella flexneri Pathogenesis in the Human Enteroid Model.
    Authors: Ranganathan Et al.
    Infect Immun 2019;87
  13. Sera Antibody Repertoire Analyses Reveal Mechanisms of Broad and Pandemic Strain Neutralizing Responses after Human Norovirus Vaccination.
    Authors: Lindesmith Et al.
    Immunity 2019;50:1530
  14. Expansion of Luminal Progenitor Cells in the Aging Mouse and Human Prostate.
    Authors: Crowell Et al.
    Cell Rep 2019;28:1499
  15. Establishment of Patient-Derived Organoids and Drug Screening for Biliary Tract Carcinoma.
    Authors: Saito Et al.
    Cell Rep 2019;27:1265
  16. Rectal Organoids Enable Personalized Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis.
    Authors: Berkers Et al.
    Cell Rep 2019;26:1701
  17. Establishment and Morphological Characterization of Patient-Derived Organoids from Breast Cancer.
    Authors: Mazzucchelli Et al.
    Biol Proced Online 2019;21:12
  18. Conserved regulation of RNA processing in somatic cell reprogramming.
    Authors: Kanitz Et al.
    BMC Genomics 2019;20:100
  19. Development of Collagen-Based 3D Matrix for Gastrointestinal Tract-Derived Organoid Culture.
    Authors: Jee Et al.
    Stem Cells Int 2019;2019:8472712
  20. Folding-function relationship of the most common cystic fibrosis-causing CFTR conductance mutants.
    Authors: Willigen Et al.
    Life Sci Alliance 2019;2
  21. Chemically Defined Neural Conversion of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
    Authors: Chen Et al.
    Methods Mol.Biol. 2019;1919:59
  22. Capacitation of human na�ve pluripotent stem cells for multi-lineage differentiation.
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  23. Activin Is Superior to BMP7 for Efficient Maintenance of Human iPSC-Derived Nephron Progenitors.
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  24. Activating a Reserve Neural Stem Cell Population In Vitro Enables Engraftment and Multipotency after Transplantation.
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  25. Role of cyclooxygenase-2-mediated prostaglandin E2-prostaglandin E receptor 4 signaling in cardiac reprogramming.
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  41. IL-1-induced JAK/STAT signaling is antagonized by TGF-beta to shape CAF heterogeneity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
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  43. Enhanced Development of Skeletal Myotubes from Porcine Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
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  45. Organoid culture of human prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP and C4-2B.
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  47. In vivo genome editing and organoid transplantation models of colorectal cancer and metastasis.
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  51. Epigenetic resetting of human pluripotency.
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  52. Immunopathology of childhood celiac disease-Key role of intestinal epithelial cells.
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  53. Anti-tumor activity of SL4 against breast cancer cells: induction of G2/M arrest through modulation of the MAPK-dependent p21 signaling pathway.
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    Sci Rep 2016;6:36486
  54. Angiopoietin-like 4 promotes angiogenesis in the tendon and is increased in cyclically loaded tendon fibroblasts.
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  55. Dual SMAD Signaling Inhibition Enables Long-Term Expansion of Diverse Epithelial Basal Cells
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  56. Pharmacological reprogramming of fibroblasts into neural stem cells by signaling-directed transcriptional activation.
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  57. Human Enteroids as a Model of Upper Small Intestinal Ion Transport Physiology and Pathophysiology.
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  58. Inhibition of TGFβ cell signaling for limbal explant culture in serumless, defined xeno-free conditions.
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    Exp Eye Res 2016;145:48
  59. Organoid culture systems for prostate epithelial and cancer tissue.
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    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016;11:347
  60. High-efficiency reprogramming of fibroblasts into cardiomyocytes requires suppression of pro-fibrotic signalling.
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  61. Amnion cell mediated immune modulation following bleo. challenge: controlling the regulatory T cell response.
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  62. Disease Modeling and Gene Therapy of Copper Storage Disease in Canine Hepatic Organoids.
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  63. CPM Is a Useful Cell Surface Marker to Isolate Expandable Bi-Potential Liver Progenitor Cells Derived from Human iPS Cells.
    Authors: Kido Et al.
    Inflamm Bowel Dis 2015;5:508
  64. Transcription factor binding dynamics during human ES cell differentiation.
    Authors: Tsankov Et al.
    Stem Cell Reports 2015;518:344
  65. Targeted disruption of DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B in human embryonic stem cells.
    Authors: Liao Et al.
    Cell 2015;47:469
  66. TGFβ loss activates ADAMTS-1-mediated EGF-dependent invasion in a model of esophageal cell invasion.
    Authors: Bras Et al.
    Nat Genet 2015;330:29
  67. HD iPSC-derived neural progenitors accumulate in culture and are susceptible to BDNF withdrawal due to glutamate toxicity.
    Authors: Mattis Et al.
    Exp Cell Res 2015;24:3257
  68. Microbial Disruption of Autophagy Alters Expression of the RISC Component AGO2, a Critical Regulator of the miRNA Silencing Pathway.
    Authors: Sibony Et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015;21:2778
  69. Maintenance and neuronal differentiation of chicken induced pluripotent stem-like cells.
    Authors: Dai Et al.
    Stem Cells Int 2015;2014:182737
  70. Organoid models of human and mouse ductal pancreatic cancer.
    Authors: Boj Et al.
    Cell 2015;160:324
  71. Long-term culture of genome-stable bipotent stem cells from adult human liver.
    Authors: Huch Et al.
    Nature 2015;160:299
  72. Heightened potency of human pluripotent stem cell lines created by transient BMP4 exposure.
    Authors: Yang Et al.
    Stem Cell Reports 2015;112:E2337
  73. Preserved genetic diversity in organoids cultured from biopsies of human colorectal cancer metastases.
    Authors: Weeber Et al.
    Hum Mol Genet 2015;112:13308
  74. PMA induces SnoN proteolysis and CD61 expression through an autocrine mechanism.
    Authors: Li Et al.
    Cell Signal 2014;26:1369
  75. β-Cell differentiation of human pancreatic duct-derived cells after in vitro expansion.
    Authors: Corritore Et al.
    Cell Cycle 2014;16:456
  76. Mechanism-based corrector combination restores δF508-CFTR folding and function.
    Authors: Okiyoneda Et al.
    Nat Chem Biol 2013;9:444
  77. Generation of BAC transgenic epithelial organoids.
    Authors: Schwank Et al.
    Cell Reprogram 2013;8:e76871
  78. An in vitro expansion system for generation of human iPS cell-derived hepatic progenitor-like cells exhibiting a bipotent differentiation potential.
    Authors: Yanagida Et al.
    PLoS One 2013;8:e67541
  79. High-resolution analysis with novel cell-surface markers identifies routes to iPS cells.
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By MARIA PINNA on 09/22/2023

Species: Human

A83-01 is a required supplementation for organoid establishment, growth and expansion.

Tocris Bioscience is the leading supplier of novel and exclusive tools for life science research with over 30 years' experience in the industry. Tocris is a Bio-Techne brand.

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A 83-01 (CAS 909910-43-6) (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.