Einkorn French Baguette Recipe (2024)

July 3 2013

Of all of the breads we have baked with einkorn flour, French baguettes have to be on the top of our list of favorites. This recipe is offered in both sourdough and yeast versions.

How to Make Baguette or Sourdough Baguette



  • ¾cupplus 1½ tbsp. (100g) jovial All-Purpose Einkorn Flour
  • ¼ cupless 1 tsp. (50 g) of warm water
  • ¹/3 tsp (1g) of dry active yeastor 25g of sourdough starter


  • 5¾ cupplus 1 tbsp. (700g) of jovial all-purpose einkorn flour
  • 1¾ cupplus 3 tbsp. (450g) of warm water
  • 2 tsp. (12 g) of sea salt
  • all of the pate fermentée from the night before
  • 1 tsp. (3 g) of dry active yeast, dissolved in 1 tbsp. (14g) of warm wateror no additional starter if you are baking sourdough
  • plus ¾ cup (90g) of jovial einkorn flour for dusting your work surface



The pate fermentée made with sourdough starter above will expand less than the one below, made with dry active yeast. For the sourdough recipe, you will not need additional starter as the pate fermentée will be the leavening for the bread. For the yeast recipe, you will be adding more yeast on the day of baking, in addition to using all of the pate fermentée.

  1. Dissolve yeast or sourdough starter in the water, then add flour and knead until you have a firm dough.
  2. Store in a sealed container in a dark place for 10-12 hours.


  1. For this recipe, you will autolyse the flour, which means adding water to the flour before the yeast so that flour gets fully hydrated. To autolyse the flour, heat water up to hot but not boiling and pour over the flour. Mix the liquid into the flour with a wooden spoon until all of the liquid is absorbed by the flour. Cover the bowl and let stand for 15 minutes.
  2. Once the autolysing step is complete, you will then add the pate fermentée to the flour, along with the salt and knead in the bowl for a minute. If you are making this recipe with dry active yeast, you will add the additional dissolved yeast now. If you are using sour dough, no additional starter is added. The dough will be fairly sticky, so dust a clean work surface with ¼ cup (30g) of flour and turn out the dough. You will want to knead the dough for a few minutes more until it is nice and firm. It is best not to add additional flour unless your dough is very sticky. Return to the mixing bowl and let stand covered in a warm, dark place for 1 hour.
  3. After the first hour, your dough will not have risen that much and you will not see air bubbles. Dust your work surface with another ¼ cup (30g) of flour and turn out the dough, then knead until all of the flour has been absorbed. Now, turn the dough by pushing down the dough in a rectangle and fold in each of the four corners to make a square, then knead again into a firm ball of dough. Let stand covered in a warm, dark place for 1 hour for the yeasted recipe and 2 hours for the recipe with sourdough starter.
  4. When the dough is ready, it still will have expanded but will not have doubled in size. Letting einkorn dough double in size weakens its already very weak gluten, resulting in a bread that cannot hold its structure. You will know the dough is ready when you press down on the dough with your finger and the dough feels firm but an indent will remain. At this point, you should preheat your oven to 470°F with your baking sheet in the middle rack. On the bottom of your oven, place a baking dish with two inches of water so your oven will be steamy during baking.
  5. Divide the dough in three parts, roll each piece into a smooth ball and let rest for 15 minutes, covered by your mixing bowl.
  6. Take one of the balls of dough and begin to roll into a log shape that is about 5 inches long, pinching together seems and tightening. You will want the dough to be fairly wet so it sticks to your counter while you are rolling, which will help form the shape. If you feel large air pockets, start again until you have a nicely formed log shape piece. Dust very lightly with some flour and continue to roll, pressing lightly from the center to the ends until your baguette is as long as desired. Press a little firmer at the ends to taper.
  7. If you are using a baguette pan, place a clean cloth dusted with flour on top with the long ends hanging over each side. Place each baguette in place, then fold over the ends to cover. Let stand for 30 minutes for the yeast recipe and 60 minutes for the sourdough before baking. If you do not have a baguette pan, you can place the loaves inside the folds of a thick kitchen cloth that have been dusted with flour.
  8. If you are using a baguette pan, you flip the loaves over on to the baking sheet, then slash the loaves with a bread razor or sharp knife. If you are not using a baguette pan, quickly lift up the loaves and place on the baking sheet then slash.
  9. Bake for 20-25 minutes, rotating the baking sheet after 10 minutes. If you like the crust crisp, you want to rotate each loaf, changing their position on the baking rack at least two times in the last 10 minutes for even browning.
  10. Let cool at least 1 hour before slicing.
Einkorn French Baguette Recipe (2024)


What is the secret of French baguette? ›

One of the secrets of a great baguette is to start with a sponge (a mix of flour, water, and yeast), which gives the yeast time to mature and combine with the other ingredients, creating the mildly sour and nutty flavors and chewy texture.

Does einkorn flour need more or less water? ›

Einkorn may be substituted cup for cup with regular whole wheat flour in some muffin, pancake, cakes, and cookie recipes. However, sometimes the amount of liquid in the recipe needs to be reduced by roughly 15-20%. Einkorn absorbs liquids slower than modern wheat.

Why does einkorn not work for baking as well as modern wheat? ›

If you are grinding your own Einkorn, do not expect it to rise as high as modern white bread. This is true with all whole flour breads. Because Einkorn has a completely different type of Gluten than modern wheat, it does NOT need to be kneaded very long at all.

Can you use einkorn flour in place of bread flour? ›

As mentioned earlier, Einkorn definitely acts differently than other types of flour. It's really important to remember this and keep it in mind. You cannot (usually) take a regular wheat flour bread recipe and replace the wheat flour with einkorn without making some adjustments.

What is the best flour to use for baguettes? ›

Overall, the ideal flour for baguettes should have a moderate protein content, a fine texture, and should be of high quality. While traditional French type 55 flour is the ideal choice, a combination of all-purpose and bread flour can also work well in its place.

What is the difference between a baguette and a French baguette? ›

First and foremost, the flour used in France is of very high quality. But the major difference between French and an American baguette is the fermentation process. Most French bakers use a poolish process, which consists of a mix of yeast and water that's allowed to ferment overnight.

Does einkorn flour spike blood sugar? ›

Virgin Wheat flour uses the grain einkorn rather than regular refined wheat grains. It is non-processed, non-hybridized, non-GMO and has a low glycemic load, meaning it won't spike your blood sugar level.

Does einkorn flour go rancid? ›

Properly stored, einkorn berries (unmilled) last for years, making it more affordable to stock up. Flour oxidizes and loses its nutrients over time. If not kept properly, flour will go rancid. Milling einkorn flour at home is easier than ever, thanks to modern electric countertop mills.

Why is einkorn so expensive? ›

Einkorn is one of a few wheats that are “hulled.” In hulled wheats, the grain is tightly enclosed by a kind of husk as it grows. This hull has to be removed before the grains can be eaten. This is no small feat and is part of the reason einkorn is more expensive.

Why is my einkorn dough so sticky? ›

Just a little drizzle and only added once. I'm using freshly grounded whole grain Einkorn flour in the video, which can be much stickier. ✨ Einkorn has very weak gluten, therefore the dough won't be very elastic, hence the stickiness. The more you knead and work your dough, the more sticky it will be.

What is another name for einkorn flour? ›

Einkorn, also called Farro Piccolo, is known as “nature's original wheat.” In a world where wheat digestion is an ever present problem, it's worth a look at for its digestive benefits and nutrient density, not to mention its amazing flavor!

Is einkorn flour inflammatory? ›

And, einkorn is usually easier to digest for most people. Typical modern wheat can contribute to inflammation and gut damage. In lab studies, einkorn bread actually had anti-inflammatory properties. It's also high in polyphenols and antioxidants.

Why is my Einkorn sourdough bread so dense? ›

Einkorn bread, even when made with an active starter, is denser than bread made with modern wheat because it's weak gluten does not have the strength to hold large bubbles. When you start to bake with a new starter, your bread is bound to bake up dense because it takes a number of loaves of bread to get good results.

Can celiacs eat einkorn wheat? ›

One of the most common questions we get “Is einkorn safe for me?” Einkorn is wheat and it is not recommended for those with Celiac disease. However for those who are not celiac, but are gluten sensitive, einkorn can be a great solution. You may have heard it is very low in gluten.

Do you need to knead einkorn flour? ›

Einkorn flour is different than modern wheat and you do not need to knead it very long. This recipe is a no-knead einkorn bread that whips up fast and easy.

Why are baguettes so much better in France? ›

In France, bakers pay careful attention to where their flour is made and which grains are used in the milling process. The result is usually softer, heartier, and tastier bread than can be found in other parts of the world. French flour tends to be made with a lower ash content than the flour from other countries.

What makes Paris baguette unique? ›

Paris Baguette also only used its own proprietary dough, which was lighter, airier and less sweet than traditional dough to create its unique offerings.

What is the perfect baguette tradition like? ›

A French baguette de tradition is obliged to respect a number of rules. For example, it cannot be frozen in any way while being made (such as freezing pieces of dough), nor may it contain any additives or enhancers that might be used to facilitate or shorten one or several stages in the cooking process.

Why do the French love baguettes so much? ›

A true symbol of the French way of life. In fact, it's a true love story - no ups and downs, no drama. The French simply adore this perfect crunchy-on-the-outside, soft-on-the-inside stick (yes, the word “baguette” actually means STICK).

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