Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (2024)


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Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (1)

Flag of the Combined Syndicates of America/United Socialist Syndicates of America/Union of American Socialist Syndicates (Globe)

Flag of the Combined Syndicates of America/United Socialist Syndicates of America/Union of American Socialist Syndicates (Red and Black)

Flag of the Combined Syndicates of America/United Socialist Syndicates of America/Union of American Socialist Syndicates (Statue of Liberty)

Flag of the Union of America

Flag of the Free Syndicates of America

Flag of the Popular National Union of America

Flag of the Commonwealth of America

Flag of the United Federation of America

Flag of the United States of America/Colombia or United Socialist States of America/Colombia (USA)

Flag of the United States of America/Colombia or United Socialist States of America/Colombia (CPUSA)

Flag of the United States of America/Colombia or United Socialist States of America/Colombia (Red)

Flag of the United Soviet Republics of America/Union of American Soviet Republics (TUUL Emblem)

Flag of the United Soviet Republics of America/Union of American Soviet Republics (Red USA)

Flag of the United Soviet Republics of America/Union of American Soviet Republics (Red Fosterite)

Flag of the Workers' Technate of America

Flag of the Workers' Technate of America (Alternate)

Flag of the Socialist Union of America

Flag of the Socialist Union of America (Alternate 1)

Flag of the Socialist Union of America (Alternate 2)

Flag of the Technocratic Union of America

Flag of the Technocratic Union of America (Alternate)

Flag of the Global Technate of Gaia

Flag of the Utopian Technoconsortium of America

Flag of the Utopian Technoconsortium of Gaia

Flag of the Syndicate of America

Flag of the Union of Socialist Syndicates of America

Flag of the Union of Socialist Syndicates of America (Alternate)

Flag of the Syndicate of Capone

Flag of the Over-Syndicate

Flag of the National Syndicate of America

Flag of the United People's Syndicates of America

Flag of the United People's Syndicates of America (Non-Totalist)

Flag of the Liberated Individual's Syndicates of America

Flag of the Liberated Individual's Syndicates of America (Alternate)

Flag of the Egoist Union of Autonomous American Syndicates

Flag of the Liberated Individual's Syndicates of America/Egoist Union of Autonomous American Syndicates (Red and Black)

Flag of the Free Syndicates of Libertalia

Flag of the Syndical Fiefdom of America

Flag of the Earthly Syndicate of Dismas and Gestas

Official Name: Combined Syndicates of America, United Socialist Syndicates of America (Syndicalist Alternate Name 1), Union of American Socialist Syndicates (Syndicalist Alternate Name 2), Union of America (Syndicalist Alternate Name 3), Free Syndicates of America (De Leonist), Popular National Union of America (Bellamyist), Commonwealth of America (AFL Alternate Name 1), United Federation of America (AFL Alternate Name 2), United States of America/Colombia (Browder, USA reunited Name 1), United Socialist States of America/Colombia (Browder, USA reunited Name 2), United Soviet Republics of America (Foster, USA reunited), Workers' Technate of America (Burnham), Socialist Union of America (Lovestone), Syndicate of America (Capone), Union of Socialist Syndicates of America (Capone Alternate Name), Syndicate of Capone (Nitti), Over-Syndicate (Dillinger), National Syndicate of America (Luciano), United People's Syndicates of America (Hoffa), Liberated Individual's Syndicates of America (Bonnie & Clyde), Egoist Union of Autonomous American Syndicates (Belbenoît), Free Syndicates of Libertalia (Seavey), Syndical Fiefdom of America (Ricca), Earthly Syndicate of Dismas and Gestas (Weiss)

Ruling Party: Unionist Faction

Ideology: Syndicalism

  • Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Unsurprisingly for leftists, many high-ranking figures in the CSA are from historically-marginalised groups and can become the first individual of their race or gender to lead America, including Emma Goldman, Dorothy Day, Louise Bryant, Elizabeth Nord, Lucy Mason (women), Bayard Rustin (African), Sam Dolgoff (deaf), and Helen Keller (blind, deaf, and female).
  • Chummy Commies: Ranging from Moderate Socialists to Anarchists, they all seek to get rid of America's inequality issues and racist lineage either through moderate reforms that slowly introduce minor solutions and pragmatic changes or radical uprooting changes that radically democratize all of America's economic and social issues through the top down or bottom up.

William Haywood

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (2)

Hat Haywood

Ushanka Haywood

Role: Presidentnote

Party: Unionist Faction

Ideology: Syndicalism

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Cincinnatus: Once the CSA is victorious in the Civil War, Haywood will step down due to old age and have the Central Committee conduct a Second Constitutional Convention to decide the revolution's future.
  • Red Baron: Haywood is nicknamed 'Big Bill' by his comrades, for his almighty presence as a fighter, and larger than life voice against capitalism and its detractors.

Jack Reed

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (3)

Role: Presidentnote (Haywood passes away during Civil War), (Centralist/Orthodox IWW Election - Reed elected)

Party: Unionist Faction, Syndicalist Union Faction (Centralist IWW Election), Socialist Party of America (Orthodox IWW Election)

Ideology: Syndicalism (Haywood succession/Orthodox IWW Election), De Leonismnote (Centralist IWW Election)

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Demoted to Extra: Jack Reed, leader of the CSA in vanilla Kaiserreich, was replaced in this role by Bill Haywood, and only takes charge if Haywood dies before the Civil War ends.
  • Kangaroo Court: When the Fosterites come into power, Reed, along with Dewey and Green will be arrested and forced to trial, being denounced as klan sympathizers and social capitalists.

Centralist Syndicalist Faction

Arturo Giovannitti

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (4)

Role: Presidentnote (Centralist IWW Election - Giovannitti elected)

Party: Syndicalist Union Faction

Ideology: De Leonismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • An Immigrant's Tale: Giovannitti came to United States for a better opportunity. Only to instead use it to increase workers' rights like the Textile Strike of Lawrence, which leads him to get arrested for it and be acquitted from outrage for his treatment in his trial.
  • Miscarriage of Justice: Giovannitti after being arrested illegally, was put in a metal cage during his trial. This led to outrage across America by socialists, leading him to be acquitted for it.
  • Rebel Leader: Giovannitti led a brigade of Italian American socialist militias throughout New England territory and led them to reconnect with the CSA.
  • Working-Class Hero: Giovannitti was one of the main organizers to the 1912 Textile Strike of Lawrence, he's a great speaker advocating for workers' rights, and was a militia leader during the civil war.

Harry Bridges

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (5)

Role: Presidentnote (Centralist IWW Election - Bridges elected)

Party: Syndicalist Union Faction

Ideology: Centralized Syndicalismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • I Choose to Stay: Permanently moved from Australia to America due to its plentiful work.
  • Mistaken Nationality: When he moved to America in his youth, American socialists couldn't tell that he was Australian and mistook him for British, so they called him 'Limey' a term for British.
  • Working-Class Hero: Bridges throughout his life has worked as a seaman in Australia and in America, and used his work to motivate involving himself with the IWW and union activism to engage in general strikes with him at the helm.

Elmer Allison

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (6)

Role: Presidentnote (Centralist IWW Election - Allison elected)

Party: Syndicalist Union Faction

Ideology: Centralized Syndicalismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Jack Reed. As Reed helped him go to New York City, and Allison in return helped Reed's campaigns, which can potentially lead him to be picked to succeed Reed in the Centralist IWW Election.

Ludwig E. Katterfeld

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (7)

Role: Presidentnote (Centralist IWW Election - Katterfeld elected)

Party: Syndicalist Union Faction

Ideology: Left Internationalismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Dark Horse Victory: Is seen as a dark horse due to him being an independent underground activist with an unorthodox ideology as a syndicalist, but still can be elected as President by a narrow margin.
  • Internal Reformist: Downplayed, Katterfeld attempted to enter electoral politics in his youth but quickly turned away from it and decided to go underground.
  • Start My Own: Katterfeld attempted to lead his own political party the Lyceum Bureau, but it only lasted 2 years before it died off.

Orthodox Syndicalist Faction

Frank T. Johns

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (8)

Role: Presidentnote (Orthodox IWW Election - Johns elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Syndicalism

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: Johns attempted to run for Congress twice, and attempted to run for President twice, all of which failed.
  • Rebel Leader: Johns after being hospitalized by attempting to save a child in a freezing river, led a band of militia in the CSA's army. He uses his military accomplishments to be seen as a major figure within the Syndicalists and to be elected President.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (9)

Role: Presidentnote (Orthodox IWW Election - Flynn elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Socialist Feminismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Dark Horse Victory: Because of her identity as a woman, the committee treats her with skepticism and as not the most popular of the potential candidates to be President. But she can still ultimately win the election regardless.
  • Demoted to Extra: Flynn in Kaiserreich is the main successor to Jack Reed as the Syndicalist forerunner. Here in Kaiserredux, she's simply a candidate for the Orthodox Syndicalists.

Robert Minor

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (10)

Role: Presidentnote (Orthodox IWW Election - Minor elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Centralized Syndicalismnote

  • Reasonable Authority Figure: During the Congressional Convention, Minor along with Reed suggests that a President should not be given executive independent power described by the Centralists or be simply a symbolic power described by the Anarchists. Instead a President should be an actual representative for the Congress and for the people to represent them accordingly.
  • Red Baron: Minor's nickname is 'Fighting Bob' for his continual social activism through political cartoons.

John Bernard

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (11)

Role: Presidentnote (Orthodox IWW/1952 IWW/SLP Election - Bernard elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America, Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: Agrarian Syndicalismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: Bernard managed to get elected to the House of Representatives with the very moderate socialist Farmer-Labor Party to reform America's economic ideas to be more equal and fair.

Anarchist Faction

Emma Goldman

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (12)

Role: Presidentnote (Anarchist Election - Goldman elected)

Party: Socialist Faction

Ideology: Socialist Feminismnote

  • Chummy Commies: Goldman can fulfill her own ideological dream of an Anarcho-Communist America by establishing a gift economy based on mutual aid where all is provided and wages are abolished, decentralizing America into autonomous communes so the military is voluntary militias, and abolishing private property where communes control communal property where all is owned by all while still retaining personal property.
  • Witch Hunt: Is victim to this along with her circle if Browder takes power, with her and her circle getting arrested for being the most vocal anti-Browderists.

Dorothy Day

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (13)

Role: Presidentnote (Anarchist/Orthodox IWW Election - Day elected)

Party: Socialist Faction (Anarchist), Socialist Party of America (Orthodox IWW)

Ideology: Socialist Feminismnote

See her entry in the United States of America page.

Modest Stein

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (14)

Role: Presidentnote (Anarchist Election - Stein elected)

Party: Socialist Faction

Ideology: Anarcho-Syndicalismnote

  • Authority in Name Only: Stein along with the other Anarchists, possess a symbolic President position. Meaning they don't exert any authority on any of the communes in the country. Justified since they're Anarchists.
  • Witch Hunt: Is subjected to this if Browder takes power, as being part of Emma Goldman's circle who despise Browder, lead him to be removed from the IWW and gets arrested for it.

Industrial Workers of the World

Eugene Dennis

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (15)

Role: Presidentnote (1944/1952 IWW/SLP Election - Dennis elected)

Party: Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: Centralized Syndicalismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Pen Name: Eugene Dennis is used as his hiding name to prevent the federal government from finding out about his revolutionary activities. His real name is Francis Waldron, but he's kept his pseudonym as his real name after the revolution.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: When the Fosterite Youth Wing starts accusing and attacking teachers for being reactionary and teaching reinforced racist educational material, Dennis gives the suggestion to calm down the students for being excessive on their response.
  • The Exile: Turns into one after the AFL government destroys Foster's collectivist militias for aligning with his view on despising the AFL's desire to make Craft Unions the mainstream of revolutionary unionism.

Arnold Petersen

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (16)

Role: Presidentnote (1944 IWW/SLP Election - Petersen elected)

Party: Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: De Leonismnote

  • Taking Up the Mantle: Petersen was chosen to take over the Socialist Labor Party after his mentor Daniel De Leon died. He managed to bring the party back to life with his budgeting skills, and his radical devotion to his mentor's vision. And if President, can finally put his mentor's ideas to reality.

Elizabeth Nord

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (17)

Role: Presidentnote (1944/1948 IWW/SLP Election - Nord elected)

Party: Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: Socialist Feminismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Reluctant Retiree: Nord is forced to retire when the Browderists take over.
  • Working-Class Hero: Nord for her entire life lived in poverty working in mines and factories. She used her political prowess to create labor unions and to organize the Great Textile Strike of 1934.

Louise Bryant

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (18)

Role: Presidentnote (1944 IWW/SLP Election - Bryant elected)

Party: Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: Socialist Feminismnote

  • Really Gets Around: In an interview while drunk, Bryant details 10 Socialists that she slept with ranging from the Americans Eugene O'Neil, Andrew Dasburg, William C. Bullitt Jr., Eugene Debs, Al Capone, Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman together, to the Russians Leon Trotsky, Genrikh Yagoda, and Georgy Zhukov.

Helen Keller

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (19)

Role: Presidentnote (1944 IWW/SLP Election - Keller elected)

Party: Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: Anarcho-Syndicalismnote

  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: Keller in OTL, was a famous author noted for her being both blind and deaf and overcoming these disabilities through sheer determination and patience with her life long friend and translator Anne Sullivan. Here in KX, due to her Socialist and Anarchist beliefs is able to be elected in the CSA under the IWW or Socialist Labor Party.
  • The Suffragette: Keller is a longtime supporter of the women's suffrage movement, supporting birth control, and is one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Sam Dolgoff

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (20)

Role: Presidentnote (1944/1948 IWW/SLP Election - Dolgoff elected)

Party: Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: Anarcho-Syndicalismnote

  • Defector from Decadence: Originally Dolgoff wasn't a radical political ideologue in his youth, previously he was a moderate socialist in the Young People's Socialist League. Until he left on his own accord and joined the IWW to enact radical Anarchist political change.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Dolgoff took after house painting from his father as a child, and is consistently skilled at doing so even so as an adult.

Eric Hass

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (21)

Role: Presidentnote (1948 IWW/SLP Election - Hass elected)

Party: Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: De Leonismnote

  • Almighty Janitor: Hass worked many dead-end jobs in his youth after college, only after coming into contact with the Socialist Labor Party, did he rise through the ranks very quickly as an organizer for the party on national speaking tours throughout America before it collapsed. This gave him enough influence to be put on the ballot for the Socialist Labor Party and to be elected President.

Henning A. Blomen

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (22)

Role: Presidentnote (1952 IWW/SLP Election - Blomen elected)

Party: Industrial Workers of the World (Syndicalists won Constitutional Convention), Socialist Labor Party (Federalists won Constitutional Convention)

Ideology: Anarcho-Syndicalismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Badass Pacifist: Blomen at the introduction of the Civil War did not attempt to form violent resistance in the New England held Massachusetts, but instead organized his chemical plant into a cooperative syndicate. This impressed his more radical co-workers to nominate him as the CSA's representative of Massachusetts and helped him escape to the border of New York City to assist the CSA directly.

Congress of Industrial Organizations

Seymour Stedman

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (23)

Role: Presidentnote (1944 CIO Election - Stedman elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Georgismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Almighty Janitor: Literally, Stedman previously lived his life as a simple janitor before becoming a lawyer getting introduced to socialism and defending the likes of Eugene Debs from persecution. He then rose to become the SPA's Vice-President due to his friendship with Debs and close advisory of Reed. He can potentially becoming the leader of America going from a lowly janitor to the President of an entire country.

William E. Rodriguez

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (24)

Role: Presidentnote (1944 CIO Election - Rodriguez elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Bellamyismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Dark Horse Victory: Rodriguez originally was thought to fail during his bid in the Chicago City Council, yet somehow he won the bid and became a city council member as a Socialist.
  • Internal Reformist: Rodriguez after moving to Chicago, managed to win a position in the Chicago city council and spent his time by seeking reforms inside the city council and attacking Chicago's transit companies. After being ousted in the council, he still continued with electoralism and managed to become a judge to enact socialist and progressive reforms.

Morris Hillquit

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (25)

Role: Presidentnote (1944 CIO Election - Hillquit elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Moderate Socialismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: Hillquit was one of the founders of the Socialist Party which attempted to subvert revolution and focus on reforming America through electoralism. He also attempted to become a Senator and Mayor for NYC, but both failed. Subverted, if Hillquit succeeds Steinbeck as Mayor in NYC.
  • King on His Deathbed: Subverted, Hillquit is one of the oldest and sickly members of the CSA, he's dealt with chronic tuberculosis and is least the age of 67 by the time of the civil war ends and 75 when he's potentially elected. Even with no tuberculosis treatment at the time, he's still strong enough to live for a long time without dying as President.

Bayard Rustin

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (26)

Role: Presidentnote (1948 CIO Election - Rustin elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Bellamyismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Rustin can potentially become the first African-American president of America, predating OTL by over 60 years.

Darlington Hoopes

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (27)

Role: Presidentnote (1948 CIO Election - Hoopes elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Moderate Socialismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: Hoopes having the luck of being a Represenative of the House, was able to make Socialist reforms within the United States government like outlawing child labor. After the CSA came in to power, he created a platform of reformism calling back to his past political reforms as a form of modest and peaceful candidate to become President.

Oakley C. Johnson

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (28)

Role: Presidentnote (1952 CIO Election - Johnson elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Broad Communismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Politically Motivated Teacher: Subverted and Played Straight. Johnson served as an apolitical teacher and principal in multiple schools throughout Minnesota, only until he brought up after learning about the Socialist cause, that defending IWW members through a defence fund ultimately led him to be arrested by the Department of Justice.

Noam Chomsky

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (29)

Role: Presidentnote (1952 CIO Election - Chomsky elected)

Party: Socialist Party of America

Ideology: Anarcho-Syndicalismnote

  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: Chomsky is a linguistics professor at the University of Arizona, and a vocal Anarcho-Syndicalist advocate. Here in Kaiserredux, he's a candidate in the 1952 CIO Election where's he's able to achieve his dream of an Anarcho-Syndicalist America.
  • Young and in Charge: Chomsky is only 24 years old by the time his election comes out, making him the youngest person to be elected president in the CSA.

American Independence League

Norman Mattoon Thomas

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (30)

Role: Presidentnote (Independence League Leadership Contest - Thomas elected)

Party: American Independence League

Ideology: Christian Socialismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Badass Pacifist: Thomas is a devoted pacifist thanks to his Bellamyist beliefs, and tells the people throughout the country to resist conscription and build societies of utopian quality for themselves.
  • Demoted to Extra: Originally in Kaiserreich was one of Reed's main successors after the CSA's victory as the moderate socialist alternative to Syndicalism in America. Here in KX, he's only one of the candidates of the Independence League.

John Dewey

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (31)

Role: Presidentnote (Independence League Leadership Contest - Dewey elected)

Party: American Independence League

Ideology: Bellamyismnote

  • Kangaroo Court: Is victim to this if the Fosterites come into power, Dewey, along with Reed and Green will be arrested and forced to trial being denounced as klan collaborators and social capitalists.
  • Politically Motivated Teacher: Dewey while at the University of Chicago was very open about his progressive views and his democratic socialist ideals. Constantly denouncing the repressive politics of America against socialists while being a professor for decades on end.

Roger Nash Baldwin

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (32)

Role: Presidentnote (Independence League Leadership Contest - Baldwin elected)

Party: American Independence League

Ideology: Bellamyismnote

  • Draft Dodging: Baldwin attempted to do this during World War 1 but failed and was sentenced to jail for a year.
  • Pacifist: Baldwin a long time pacifist attempted to oppose American involvement in World War 1, attempted to draft dodge and is a devout follower of Bellamy's pacifist ideals.

Heywood Broun

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (33)

Role: Presidentnote (Independence League Leadership Contest - Broun elected)

Party: American Independence League

Ideology: Radical Progressivismnote

  • Internal Reformist: Broun attempted to run for Congress in 1930 hoping to put his columnist skills to action, but failed.

Arthur Ernest Morgan

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (34)

Role: Presidentnote (Independence League Leadership Contest - Morgan elected)

Party: American Independence League

Ideology: Quakerismnote

  • Close-Knit Community: Morgan is very committed to supporting local communities and living with them, so much so that his Quakerist beliefs made him think that small towns and communities that were connected well with eachother would be the perfect utopian view of Bellamyism.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Despite Morgan being very committed to Bellamyist Quaker socialism and pacifism, he is racist towards non-whites, especially Asians and Africans who he views as the most unfit and immoral of all people. He is also a Eugenicist that prefers for undesirable cultures to be rooted out of the gene pool due to being "uncivilized people".

Meyer London

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (35)

Role: Presidentnote (Independence League Leadership Contest - London elected)

Party: American Independence League

Ideology: Moderate Socialismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: London was one of the only two socialists who ever made it inside Congress, and made reforms to attempt move the United States towards Socialism. Here if the CSA chooses for the Independence League to lead them, or if Steinbeck is elected as Mayor of New York City, he can be elected as Mayor of NYC or President of the CSA. London can officially lead a state towards socialism directly through reformism.

American Federation of Labor

David Dubinsky

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (36)

Role: Presidentnote (Initial/1940 AFL Leadership Contest - Dubinsky elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Liberalized Syndicalismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Dubinsky prior to the Civil War attempted to collaborate with right-wing workers and the federal government to properly develop a union, due to his view that unions should be apolitical. Subverted after the depression and Civil War, his opinion changed becoming more radicalized in the process in his beliefs, and ceased to cooperate with them.

John L. Lewis

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (37)

Role: Presidentnote (Initial/1940 AFL Leadership Contest - Lewis elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Clientelismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: Attempted to become Mayor in the town of Lewis to move towards a more labor-oriented government, but failed. He also after becoming President, decides to move away from radical Syndicalism and towards a more moderate Liberal labor-union oriented ideology.
  • Old Shame: Lewis is disgusted by his past as a Democrat and Republican supporter, only moving past this phase in his life once the Great Depression radicalized his beliefs towards unionism. He is still ashamed by his support as President but tries to put it behind him.
  • Threatening Mediator: Lewis is very good at resolving disputes, to the point where his motto would fall along the lines of 'award your friends greatly and punish your enemies severely for not getting along'.

William Green

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (38)

Role: Presidentnote (Initial/1940 AFL Leadership Contest - Green elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Humanistic Capitalismnote

  • Kangaroo Court: If the Fosterites come into power, Green will be arrested along with Reed, and Dewey, and forced to trial being denounced as klan sympathizers and social capitalists.
  • Realpolitik: Wanting to keep Craft Unions as the dominant force in labor organizations, Green forces reforms through the government that rollback voting rights and representation from industrial unions. Which only leads to unrest due to Green's crackdowns on opposition from his actions.

Ernest Hemingway

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (39)

General Hemingway

Role: General, Presidentnote (1944 AFL Election - Hemingway elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Paternal Socialismnote

  • Kind Hearted Cat Lover: Polydactyl Cats are created through Hemingway' breeding programs, and develops a very strong affinity for them, especially during his depressed days.
  • The Generation Gap: Hemingway appeals to the Lost Generation as a masculine, individualistic, paternalist who is fond of the battlefield. This makes his support very broad and very widespread to all walks of life.

Walter Waters

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (40)

Role: General, Presidentnote (1944 AFL Election - Waters elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Syndicalist-Alinged Social Democracynote

  • A Father to His Men: Upset that veterans of war get treated poorly, Waters reforms his militia into the 'Bonus Army' and marches thousands of armed soldiers to demand financial compensation for their efforts fighting in the civil-war. The government will accept this demand, promote Waters into a General, and give pensions out to each and everyone of his soldiers.
  • Old Soldier: Waters is one after the end of the Civil War, and is one of the more apolitical candidates who bases his policies more for war veterans and garners support from left-leaning centrists.

George Meany

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (41)

Role: Presidentnote (1944/1948/1952 AFL Election - Meany elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Market Socialismnote

  • Passing the Torch: Meany due to his youth makes him a perfect candidate for a new-age politician to get started on helping veterans and shift the political landscape to fit a new America.

Philip Murray

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (42)

Role: Presidentnote (1944 AFL Election - Murray elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Progressive Conservatismnote

  • Passing the Torch: Murray similarly to Meany above, is a young politician eager to shift America's new political landscape towards a more equal America. Although not as radical as Meany and much more moderate with his views, he still is eager to move America towards a better future.

Frank Zeidler

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (43)

Role: Presidentnote (1948 AFL Election - Zeidler elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Democratic Socialismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Zeidler is seen as this due to him being a unifying figure with the old revolutionaries as well as the younger generation of socialists.
  • The Determinator: Lifelong has Zeidler struggled in his desire for socialism. From his poor health leading to incomplete education, his difficulties growing up in the Great Depression, and the death of his brother in the civil war. He has never given up his ideals, and by becoming President, overcomes all of his struggles throughout his life he dealt with.

Hugh Mulzac

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (44)

Role: Admiral, Presidentnote (1948 AFL Election - Mulzac elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Democratic Socialismnote

  • Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Mulzac can become the first Afro-Caribbean president of America.
  • Old Soldier: An admiral previously for the US fought in WWI. Mulzac threw his tie in the CSA because of the racial discrimination he faced throughout serving the US Navy. Hoping to overcome it by being an admiral for the CSA, and especially as President of a new Socialist America.

Walter Reuther

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (45)

Role: Presidentnote (1948/1952 AFL Election - Reuther elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Liberal Socialismnote

  • Internal Reformist: Reuther is a radical progressive union man, who seeks to create projects like the Peace Corps to promote international pacifism, humanitarian aid, and to completely reverse racist history of America.

Daniel J. Tobin

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (46)

Role: Presidentnote (1948 AFL Election - Tobin elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Kleptocracynote

  • Corrupt Politician: Tobin despite being a thorough labor organizer and union activist, was responsible for corruption inside union activity specifically the union Teamsters and seems to embrace this corruptive union view. Although obviously nowhere near as corrupt as the Caponeists.

Lucy Randolph Mason

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (47)

Role: Presidentnote (1948 AFL Election - Mason elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Radical Progressivismnote

  • Sweet Home Alabama: Mason is from a respected southern family, and is one of the main figures responsible for removing the effects of Jim Crow from the Deep South through Operation Dixie. She creates reform with the help of the Young Women's Christian Association, by promoting stricter labor laws that protect workers from oppressive working conditions and minimalist pay. She also coordinates with the Southern Baptist Convention to address labor rights and interracial goals to mitigate lynchings and terrorist bombings from the ODP. All of which to make the Deep South a real home for all who live there.

Daniel Hoan

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (48)

Role: Presidentnote (1952 AFL Election - Hoan elected)

Party: American Federation of Labor

Ideology: Democratic Socialismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: Hoan is a long time advocate of party politics introducing socialist reforms. He started off becoming a city attorney in Milwaukee becoming the first Socialist to become elected in an American city, then during the civil war preferred reformism over revolutionism and sided with moderates instead of radicals. And if elected President, can finally insert his long desired reforms throughout America.


Earl Browder

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (49)

Black Hair Browder

Red Chief Browder

Comprador Browder

Role: Presidentnote (Browder wins Constitutional Convention Election)

Party: Communist Political Association

Ideology: Popular Communismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Adaptational Heroism: In contrast to the caricature of Stalin in the source game, Browder is comfortably the most moderate option to lead a Totalist America here, compared to the extremism of Foster and Lovestone, the barely-disguised fascism of Burnham, and the self-serving hedonism of Capone.
  • Chummy Commies: Browder's personal sub-ideology Popular Communism places a heavy focus on winning the faith of the people not through purges and terror, but a gradual shift in social consciousness accomplished by presenting communism through the lens of traditional American values.
  • Eagleland: Browder offers an exceedingly rare communist version of Type 1, a philosophy he calls "Apple Pie Communism". Rather than completely disconnecting left-wing thought from American patriotism, Browder synthesizes the two beliefs, applying a communist coat of paint to comforting American holidays and values and presenting Marxism as the natural final leg of the journey started by the American Revolution.
  • Glorious Leader: As leader of the CSA, Browder endears himself to the people, so much so that they call him The Boss. They know he fights for them at all costs, and they will do the same for him, should the need ever arise.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Browder rules over an admittedly dictatorial system which is nevertheless unashamedly progressive and which guarantees a healthy degree of financial and personal autonomy to its citizens.

Gus Hall

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (50)

General Hall

Role: General, Second-in-Commandnote (Browder chooses Hall to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Browder dies - Hall succeeds)

Party: Communist Political Association

Ideology: Popular Communismnote

  • Co-Dragons: To Earl Browder with Gil Green. Hall gives suggestions thorought his reign regarding purging former allies in the IWW and replacing them with cronies, and bringing an idea along with John Ballam to pledge loyalty to any USAS elected officials. He shares being Browder's closest allies with Green a much more efficient, respected, and experienced organizer but less charismatic and not as visionary as Hall.
  • Meet the New Boss: Besides being Browder's favorite, he can become the new head of the Browderists following his leader's main vision by carrying on his ideas committedly.

James W. Ford

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (51)

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Browder/Foster chooses Ford to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Browder/Foster dies - Ford succeeds)

Party: Communist Political Association (Browder succession), Trade Union Unity League (Foster succession)

Ideology: Popular Communismnote (Browder succession), William Foster Thoughtnote (Foster succession)

See his entry in the United States of America page.

Max Bedacht

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (52)

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Browder chooses Bedacht to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Browder dies - Bedacht succeeds)

Party: Communist Political Association

Ideology: Popular Communismnote

  • Dark Horse Victory: Bedacht along with Ballam, are among the less popular figures within the Browderists. As Bedacht is seen as a moderate and mediating figure that doesn't seek to cause controversy, and is more focused on providing welfare to the people.
  • Internal Reformist: Bedacht in his youth joined the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland to initiate labor strikes, attempted to become a Senator for New York in 1934 to spread Communism through the Senate and advocates for anti-authoritarian Impossibilist Socialism.

John J. Ballam

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (53)

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Browder/Foster chooses Ballam to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Browder/Foster dies - Ballam succeeds)

Party: Communist Political Association (Browder succession), Trade Union Unity League (Foster succession)

Ideology: Popular Communismnote (Browder succession), William Foster Thoughtnote (Foster succession)

  • Conflicting Loyalty: Not Ballam himself, but he along with Hall introduces the idea for CPUSA/USAS's elected leaders to pledge loyalty to Browder/Foster with the Hall-Ballam Act due to loyalty being contentnious after Browder/Foster's purges.
  • Dark Horse Victory: Similarly to Bedacht, Ballam is a more unusual candidate to succeed Browder due to being a more unknown political figure and a less polarizing figure within the communist movement.

Gil Green

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (54)

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Browder chooses Green to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Browder dies - Green succeeds)

Party: Communist Political Association

Ideology: Popular Communismnote

  • Co-Dragons: To Browder, With Gus Hall. As he along with Hall are Browder's closest proteges and are considered to be the most likely to succeed him if he were to die. Although Green is much less influential than Hall due to Hall being more charismatic, Green is still a respected experienced party official, a workhorse in the Communist Youth League, and responsible for strikes that kickstarted the CSA's revolution.
  • Incredibly Obvious Bug: Averted. After Browder begins his purges of rival factions, Green is assigned to plant phone bugs in Congressman's phones so the newly created Socialist Party Surveillance Section can spy on them. The bugs in the phones are not at all easily identifiable.


William Z. Foster

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (55)

Role: Presidentnote (Foster wins Constitutional Convention Election)

Party: Trade Union Unity League (TUUL)

Ideology: William Foster Thoughtnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Allohistorical Allusion: Foster's path is based on Mao Zedong's rule in real life, include a strict adherence to vanguardism and dialectical materialism, while his efforts to entirely remake society are similar to Mao's Cultural Revolution. His "Great Sprint Forward" focus is a direct reference to Mao's Great Leap Forward, as well.
  • Eat the Rich: After establishing the Revolutionary Guards, Foster will use them to commit outright classicide against the bourgeoisie. Indeed, the focus to do this is called "Kill the Rich" in game files.
  • The Exile: After the AFL come into power, collectivist militias rise up under Foster to decry 'social capitalists' after their National Guildist system is criticized for being fake socialists. Eventually if the AFL decide to takedown the militias, Foster along with his confidant Shulman and a fellow sympathetic Syndicalist Dennis will go into exile.
  • The Purge: Colorfully-named focuses such as "Purge Reactionaries", "Destroy Social Capitalism", and "Liquidate the Bourgeoisie" dominate Foster's branch of the USSA focus tree as he forcefully annihilates what he sees as the debased remnants of America.

William Weinstone

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (56)

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Foster chooses Weinstone to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Foster dies - Weinstone succeeds)

Party: Trade Union Unity League

Ideology: William Foster Thoughtnote

  • Internal Reformist: Weinstone attempted to run for Mayor in New York and as a Senator to install communist reforms through the government. Both attempts failed.
  • Naturalized Name: Weinstone isn't actually his real last name, it's Weinstein. He changed his name to Weinstone after coming to America to sound less Jewish out of fear from the anti-semitism he faced in the Russian Empire.

Jack Shulman

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (57)

Role: General, Second-in-Commandnote (Foster chooses Shulman to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Foster dies - Shulman succeeds)

Party: Trade Union Unity League

Ideology: William Foster Thoughtnote

  • Defiant to the End: Shulman after getting arrested and tried by the Browderists, decries Browder as an 'Ahistorical Reactionary'.
  • Drugs Are Bad: Shulman opposes Tobacco usage, and only encourages its usage as medicinal. Proclaiming it to be unhealthy capitalist consumerist junk, so he can increase fitness for a healthier workforce and army.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Shulman OTL was Foster's Secretary in the 50s for several years throughout his organizing in the Deep South, until he left America because of the Communist Party's direction after supporting Khrushchev denounced Stalin. He moved to Albania and stayed in China for his political leanings. Here Shulman sticks with Foster as one of his closest confidants and can potentially succeed him if he dies.
  • Kangaroo Court: If Browder takes over, Shulman will be sent to death with a court saying that he conspired against the state.
  • The Exile: Goes into exile along with Dennis and Foster after their collectivist militias are destroyed by the AFL government.

Jay Fox

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (58)

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Foster chooses Fox to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Foster dies - Fox succeeds)

Party: Trade Union Unity League

Ideology: William Foster Thoughtnote

  • Defector from Decadence: Fox originally was an Anarchist who associated himself with Anarchist thinkers and partook in Anarchist strikes and protests, but shifted away from them due to being constantly cracked down and arrested after William McKinley's assassination gave an excuse to crack down on Anarchists. He turned to Syndicalism with labor union activism and striking as a means to start a revolution, where he became a close associate with Foster. He then left Syndicalism to finally settle with Communism, and stuck with Foster in the Communist Party.

Israel Amter

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (59)

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Foster chooses Amter to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Foster dies - Amter succeeds)

Party: Trade Union Unity League

Ideology: William Foster Thoughtnote

  • Internal Reformist: Downplayed. Amter attempted to run for governor of New York two seperate times and ran as a Senator for Ohio, to influence Communist politics through reforms. This failed and he stuck with Foster as a close confidant for his revolutionary politics.

Butler's Coup

Smedley Butler

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (60)

President Butler

Role: Field Marshal, Presidentnote (Butler coups Foster)

Party: American Independence League

Ideology: Red Juntanote, Bellamyismnote (President Butler)

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

In-Game Biography: (President) Click to Show

  • Four-Star Badass: As the most qualified general in the CSA's military, Butler can ascend to even greater heights if his doctrinal recommendations are followed, building the American Red Army under a solid officer corps, excellent discipline and its own Red Marines.
  • Martial Pacifist: Butler argues that there is nothing wrong with defending a nation in war, but conflict abroad must not be sought. He proclaims that he'll keep the CSA out of offensive wars at all costs, but instead will focus on defending America.
  • Red Baron: Butler becomes known as the Savior of the Revolution after overthrowing the dictator William Z. Foster.


James Burnham

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (61)

Supreme Burnham

Role: Presidentnote (Burnham wins Constitutional Convention Election)

Party: American Workers Partynote

Ideology: Burnhamite Thoughtnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Emperor Scientist: Howard W. Scott and his technocrats are appointed by Burnham to maximise efficiency if allowed to coordinate America's largest industries via an industrial board.
  • The Gulag: Enemies of the state are classified Gamma Class by Burnham, and will carry out manual labour until found to be politically rehabiliated by their overseers.
  • Ironic Name: Burnham's campaign to reach out to every Canadian citizen and alert them of the imperialists is called 'Red Scare'.
  • Right Hand Versus Left Hand: Burnham collects information on prominent socialists and spreads rumours that Representatives are already trying to gain the President's favour, laying the groundwork to ensure his potential enemies will be too busy fighting each other to unite against him.
  • Rushmore Refacement: Burnham can replace the face of Theodore Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore with his own.
  • Trading Bars for Stripes: The Iron Brigades consist of death-row prisoners given heavy body armour and combat-enhancing drugs, who will be granted clemency if they survive in whatever war they serve in.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: The most dictatorial and hawkish of all CSA leaders, Burnham creates an American Empire painted red, with violence and suppression of even other socialists the norm in his regime.
  • War Hawk: Burnham dedicates the CSA to military conquest so that they could spread true socialism across the world.

Jay Lovestone

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (62)

Lovestone Alaska portrait

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Burnham chooses Lovestone to be Second-in-Command), Presidentnote (Burnham dies - Lovestone succeeds)

Party: American Workers Party (Lovestoneite) note

Ideology: Lovestoneismnote

In-Game Biography: (Alaska) Click to Show

  • Anti-Mutiny: Lovestone launches a coup against James Burnham because he thinks that Burnham strayed too far from the ideas of class solidarity, class struggle and socialism in favour of nationalism and technocracy.
  • The Coup: Lovestone comes into power through a coup against James Burnham.
  • The Gulag: Lovestone advocates for the transformation of Alaska into a giant prison colony, since those who try to escape would have to trudge through thousands of miles of barren wilderness.
  • War Hawk: According to Lovestone's Permanent Revolution theory, America should push for revolutions in other nations using its military might, invest in militarisation, and promote martial values not just among the military but the national proletariat.

James P. Cannon

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (63)

Role: Presidentnote (Centralist IWW Election - Cannon elected), (Foster/Burnham dies - Cannon succeeds)

Party: Syndicalist Union Faction (Centralist IWW Election), Trade Union Unity League (Foster succession), Communist League of America (Opposition)note (Burnham succession)

Ideology: Left Internationalismnote (Centralist IWW Election), Left Internationalismnote (Foster/Burnham successor)

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Start My Own: Originally, Cannon was a part of the CPUSA before ceing kicked out by Foster and Browder. Because of the extreme stark contrast of his views towards their more authoritative ideology, he formed the Communist League of America (Opposition) to create a party of like-minded Trotskyists, where their ideas can flourish under his leadership.
  • War Hawk: Cannon is a committed Trotskyist firmly believing in his idea of Permanent Revolution and that Global Communism should be achieved through liberating other nations around the world for the namesake of ideological drive.

Lyndon LaRouche

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (64)

Role: Presidentnote (Burnham dies - LaRouche succeeds)

Party: American Workers Partynote

Ideology: Burnhamite Thoughtnote

  • Commie Nazis: Having previously dug into a sordid history, LaRouche combines his predecessor's Socialist beliefs with various brands of bigotry that leave him ostracized by other socialists in the party.
  • Meet the New Boss: LaRouche attempts to simulate Burnham's vision for America by sticking to his values although with his bizarre personal beliefs like the re-introduction of the gold standard, a Bering strait bridge/tunnel, and investing in nuclear energy research.
  • Young and in Charge: Being born in 1918, would make LaRouche at the game 16 years old. When Burnham dies, LaRouche is most likely in his early 20s. This is also what made LaRouche a protege and successor for Burnham.

Ronald Reagan

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (65)

Role: Presidentnote (Burnham dies - Reagan succeeds)

Party: American Workers Partynote

Ideology: Burnhamite Thoughtnote

  • Historical In-Joke: Reagan's ascent mirrors the real Burnham's ideological change from Trotskyism to Neoconservatism.
  • Internal Reformist: After falling under the party line, Reagan seeks to reform the American Workers Party to a more moderate flavor, favoring to de-readicalize the party and to make it more progressive reflecting Burnham's later positions in life before he died.

Lawrence Dennis

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (66)

Role: Presidentnote (Burnham dies - Dennis succeeds)

Party: American Workers Partynote

Ideology: Burnhamite Thoughtnote

  • Commie Nazis: Dennis is more Nazi than Commie thanks to his affiliation in far-right circles and his socialist leanings are practically non-existant thanks to his pro-Corporatist views. But he still hates Capitalism and everything that it stands for and is a very close confidant to Burnham along with his Socialist views.
  • Irony: Despite Dennis in OTL being very much a Fascist sympathizer, and here still flirts with far-right racist circles, was born a mixed child and hid this fact thorought his life. Despite propagating a xenophobic and nationalist ideology.
  • Kangaroo Court: Dennis is picked off if Lovestone succeeds Burnham, and can be either forced to retire or be tried and exectued.
  • Meet the New Boss: He's considered the only successor that Burnham truly trusted and liked, favoring him the most.


Howard C. Scott

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (67)

Role: Second-in-Commandnote (Burnham chooses Scott to be Second-in-Command), Director-in-Chiefnote (Technocrat council chooses Scott)

Party: Technocracy Incorporatednote

Ideology: Technocracynote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Cult of Personality: In the Technate, All Hail Howard Scott! is a phrase every American should use every day. Scott has brought America out of the dirt, dowsed the fires of civil chaos, built a shiny new and efficient utopia, and continues to work toward Technocratic perfection. All shall salute this hero as his associates do, and all shall wear the Technocratic uniform as he wears himself.
  • Emperor Scientist: Scott establishes a Technocratic political system based around appointed scientists and engineers who are above petty partisanship and political bias. Local elected governments still exist, though mediated by Technocratic councils.
  • Performance Anxiety: Once ascendant, it is revealed Scott has a severe phobia of public speaking. His fear is to the point where it has the potential to undermine his newly formed cult of personality. In order to instill confidence in the new government, Scott's regime can opt for a more confident (as well as a more handsome) public figurehead.
  • Red Baron: Nicknamed 'The Mysterious Young Man' during his rise as a very unique and enigmatic character.
  • Rushmore Refacement: Scott can replace the face of Theodore Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore with his own like Burnham.
  • Take Over the World: Scott's ultimate goal is uniting the entire planet under a Global Technate, ruled by Technocratic principles. He is one of the few leaders who can gain cores worldwide when doing a world conquest, through one risks open war with previously allied leftist governments.

J. Robert Oppenheimer

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (68)

Role: Director-in-Chiefnote (Scott removed from position - Oppenheimer replaces)

Party: Technocracy Incorporatednote

Ideology: Technocracynote

  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: Oppenheimer in OTL was a nuclear physicist, known for his work on the Manhattan Project for developing the atom bomb. After its usage in WWII, he ashamed himself for life on viewing such catastrophic damage. He was then persecuted later in life during the McCarthyist era for his Communist sympathies, and had his awards removed because of it. Here in Kaiserredux, with the CSA ruling America, he is not persecuted and allowed to work on the Manhattan Project and potentially become the new face of Scott's Technocratic Technate.

Marion King Hubbert

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (69)

Role: Field Marshal, Director-in-Chiefnote (Scott removed from position - Hubbert replaces)

Party: Technocracy Incorporatednote

Ideology: Technocracynote

  • Dragon Ascendant: Subverted. Hubbert is Scott's longtime right-hand-man, and can become the new head of the government after Scott steps down, but it's only considered to be a representative position where Scott still holds the power.

Harold Loeb

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (70)

Role: Director-in-Chiefnote (Technocrat council chooses Loeb)

Party: Continental Committee on Technocracynote

Ideology: Utopian Technocracynote

  • Emperor Scientist: Loeb adheres to a form of utopian technocracy where everything will be organised and dictated, and run slick and smooth like a well-oiled machine.
  • Take Over the World: Loeb shares Scott's desire to unite the world under a Global Technate, and can also gain cores worldwide when doing a world conquest.
  • Unwanted False Faith: Diehard and zealous loyalists of Loeb regard him as a prophet and herald, even though Loeb himself has pushed back against these ideas.

Upton Sinclair

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (71)

Role: Director-in-Chiefnote (Sinclair allowed to be face of Loeb's government)

Party: Continental Committee on Technocracynote

Ideology: Utopian Technocracynote

See his entry in the United States of America page.

David Lasser

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (72)

Role: Director-in-Chiefnote (Futurians allowed power)

Party: Technocracy Incorporatednote (Scott succession), Continental Committee on Technocracynote (Loeb succession)

Ideology: Technocracynote (Scott succession), Utopian Technocracynote (Loeb succession)

  • Start My Own: Lasser is the leader of the Futurian faction of the Technocrats. Originally, they were science-fiction fans, who turned eventually into a mainstream faction of the Technocrats, with many different names of scientists and physicians in the party. They are committed to evolving American society into their own version of internationalist, revolutionary, progressive, utopian Technocracy.


Alphonse Capone

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (73)

Chairman Capone

Role: Field Marshal, Presidentnote (Capone wins Constitutional Convention Election), Chairmannote (Capone consolidates control)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Mafioso Socialismnote

In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Allohistorical Allusion: Capone purges Smedley Butler by forcing him to confess that he was plotting with a group of industrialists and business magnates to overthrow Capone. In real life, the Business Plot was described by Butler as a fascist veterans' organisation formed by rich businessmen for a coup against President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Both of Capone's parents were immigrants from Italy, and he can take advantage of his heritage to establish closer ties with Benito Mussolini's or Calogero Vizzini's Socialist Republic of Italy.
  • The Don: A prominent mobster, Capone recruits all kinds of criminals into the ranks of the CSA, and turn the CSA into a Mafioso State if he becomes Chairman.
  • Full-Circle Revolution: If Capone becomes Chairman of the CSA, the workers of America will only find themselves at square one, with Capone's criminal allies being as oppressive as the bourgeoisie used to be.
  • Hookers and Blow: As his mental state degrades, Capone's quotidian parties get more and more out of hand. Over time, reports of these parties get more and more disturbing, including events such as sexual assault, regular assault, and people dying during the party from drug overdoses.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Capone pledges allegiance to the CSA soon after it rebels against the federal government. In truth he doesn't actually give a sh*t about socialism, and only seeks to further his own power and that of the mob.
  • The Purge: Chairman Capone will ban both the AFL and the IWW and remove all of their members from positions of power, and snuff out any signs of dissent to his rule in the armed forces.
  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: As infamous a mobster the real Capone was, he never had a real political career.
  • Secret Police: In order to secure his position and hunt down reactionaries, Chairman Capone will form a secret police force known as the Revolutionary Office of Strategic Services. Political Commissars patrol the ranks, ready to snuff out any whispers of disloyalty, and every day they come out with new lists of traitors to the revolution.
  • Totalitarian Gangsterism: Under the façade of socialism, Chairman Capone will turn the CSA into a Mafioso State. As they reign, the mobs institute harsh protection rackets on citizens under their rule and get rid of those who do not pay up with little repercussions. Businessmen grow increasingly wealthy through price gouging, actively helped by the government fixing high prices for everyday goods. Every man, woman and child in America lives in fear, fear of Capone and the ROSS. Social Credit scores, which are completely arbitrary and awarded solely based on loyalty to the Boss, allow people to economically drain those with lower Social Credit scores.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Capone has cultivated an image through careful good deeds. Such as providing jobs for the jobless and opening Soup Kitchens for the hungry, creating an image as a great man of the people and a Socialist saviour of America.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: Capone's path is basically one big reference to Kim Newman's Back in the USSA series, where he succeeds Eugene Debs as leader of America following a socialist revolution.

Albert Francis Capone

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (74)

Role: General, Chairmannote (Albert succeeds his father)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Mafioso Socialismnote

  • It Runs in the Family: Albert inherited his father's disabilities and diseases and took after his father's business as a skilled bootlegger and con-man.
  • Nepotism: Albert can be given a minor role in the organization or even become leader thanks to being the son of Capone.

Ralph Capone

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (75)

Role: General, Chairmannote (Albert removed, Ralph succeeds his brother)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Mafioso Socialismnote

  • Affectionate Nickname: Ralph is nicknamed 'Bottles' for running his non-alcoholic bottling operations in Chicago.
  • Red Baron: Ralph when he was being hunted by the Chicago Crime Comission, was also nicknamed 'Public Enemy Number Three' due to his brother being number 1.

Charles Floyd

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (76)

Role: General, Chairmannote (Ralph removed, Floyd succeeds Capone)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Mafioso Socialismnote

  • Just Like Robin Hood: Floyd during his bank robberies in Oklahoma, burned mortgage papers to relieve debt-ridden citizens from banks. To the point where he was nicknamed by locals 'the Robin Hood of the Cooksoon Hills'
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Floyd is pretty much only known as 'Pretty Boy Floyd', and is practically never referred by his first name.
  • Red Baron: Floyd is known as 'Pretty Boy Floyd'. Despite not sounding the most badass, the guy is an efficient criminal.

Frank Nitti

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (77)

Role: General, Field Marshal, Chairmannote (Caponeist Congress votes on a successor - Nitti wins power struggle)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Mafioso Socialismnote

  • The Dragon: To Capone, Nitti has always been at Capone's side as his closest follower and has been somewhat successful at sniffing out Ricca's subversive plans.
  • Meet the New Boss: Nitti is an orthodox Caponeist who promises to follow the last wishes of his boss as closely as possible.

John Dillinger

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (78)

Role: General, Chairmannote (Caponeist Congress votes on a successor - Dillinger wins power struggle)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Mafioso Socialismnote

  • Police State: Dillinger turns America into what all criminals hate and fear: a police state, albeit one without any actual police. Instead, organised crime will enforce law and order on their own.

Lucky Luciano

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (79)

Role: General, Chairmannote (Caponeist Congress votes on a successor - Luciano wins power struggle)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Mafioso Socialismnote

See his entry in the United States of America page.

Johnny Torrio

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (80)

Role: Chairmannote (Torrio selected over Luciano)

Party: All-Union Party of the Organization

Ideology: Clientelismnote

  • Red Baron: Torrio's nickname is 'The Fox' for his cleverness and craftiness.
  • Token Good Teammate: Downplayed. Torrio is one of the better members of the Mafioso, and can lead to more liberal-minded reforms and create a market socialist styled government, instead of the Capitalistic psuedo-Socialist system. However, these reforms are very much In Name Only and don't change much, and are largely only used to get the people on the idea of Liberalized Mobster Populism so they'll like their oppressors more.

Jimmy Hoffa

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (81)

AFL Hoffa

Role: Chairmannote (Caponeist Congress votes on a successor - Hoffa wins power struggle), Presidentnote (1952 AFL Election - Hoffa elected)

Party: All-Union Syndicate Party of the Organization, American Federation of Labor (AFL Election)

Ideology: Mafioso Socialismnote, Kleptocracynote (AFL Election)

  • Corrupt Politician: Since Hoffa became a well-known criminal, it corrupted his politics when he's elected as President in the AFL.
  • Meet the New Boss: Despite Hoffa's promises to remodel the Caponeist system, little changes for the average American. Hoffa effectively rules with just as mighty of an iron fist as Capone once did, only one wrapped in velvet and disguised by fancy words and populist policies.

Clyde Barrow & Bonnie Parker

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (82)

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (83)

Roles: Generals, Co-Anarchsnote (Caponeist Congress votes on a successor - Barrow wins power struggle)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Illegalismnote

  • Anarcho-Tyranny: Influenced by Individualist Anarchism, Bonnie and Clyde turns America into a criminal paradise where individual freedoms and rights are promoted over all other pursuits, all maintained at the barrel of their tommy guns.

René Belbenoît

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (84)

Role: Field Marshal, Anarchnote (Belbenoît kills Bonnie & Clyde)

Party: La Casa Nostra - Centralist Clique

Ideology: Illegalismnote

  • Anarcho-Tyranny: Belbenoît, an Illegalist Anarchist, creates a criminal state that treats individual self-interest as the absolute foundation of morality. Survival of the fittest reigns and each individual is all totally free to do as they please in a barely contained system free of oversight.

Dan Seavey

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (85)

Role: Admiral (Seavey joins CSA), Helmsmannote (Seavey makes pirate utopia)

Party: All-Union Party of the Organization

Ideology: Comrades of the Coastnote

  • Cult of Personality: Roaring Dan, with his massive ego, creates his own pirate-themed and nautically-based cult of personality around himself to rival Capone's.
  • Insane Admiral: Seavey is absolutely crazy. From his raids of Lake Michigan as a pirate lord, fighting against the Black Legion, fighting in ship-to-ship combat, and leading sailors and pirates to fight against the Canadian government.
  • King On His Death Bed: Subverted. Seavey is 80 years old by the time he takes control from Capone. Despite this, he's still just as sharp and passionate as he was from his youthful days, and still runs the Red Navy as a distant Helmsman, snuffing out talks of retirement.
  • Red Baron: Known as 'Roaring Dan' due to his crazy and upfront personality as a pirate lord.

Paul Ricca

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (86)

Role: Field Marshal, Chairmannote (Ricca coups Nitti and Caponeists)

Party: La Casa Nostra

Ideology: Red-Tinted Autocracynote

  • Appropriated Appellation: Nicknamed 'Ricca the Rat' due to being a schemer and conspirator behind closed doors.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: For years, Paul Ricca has been the quiet mastermind behind Capone's criminal empire, taking on more and more responsibility behind the scenes long before King Al even had a chance to lead America.
  • Still Wearing the Old Colors: Ricca discards what little remains of socialism within Caponeism, but still maintains a red façade to the rest of the socialist world to rely on their continued foolish support.

Earl 'Hymie' J. Weiss

Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (87)

Role: Field Marshal, Chairmannote (Weiss wins power struggle over Ricca)

Party: La Casa Nostra

Ideology: Criminal Statenote

  • Appropriated Appellation: Nicknamed 'Hymie' due to being thought of as Jewish, even though he was from a Catholic-Polish background. He still stuck with it as his nickname.
  • Red Baron: Known as 'The only man Capone feared'.
  • The Dreaded: Weiss is a notorious and vicious criminal. His ascension to power starts with him destroying all of Capone's influence including his statues, monuments and anything realted to him. He then proceeds to purge all pro-Caponeists in the country and make all political loyalty only go to him. Finally, he strips away all Socialist influence in the country and makes it a criminalistic totalitarian nightmare.
Kaiserredux Combined Syndicatesof America / Characters - TV Tropes (2024)
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