Oslo Studies in Language 7 (1) / 2015 Linguística, Informática e Tradução: Mundos que se Cruzam Homenagem a Belinda Maia Linguística, Informática e Tradução: Mundos que se Cruzam Contents Mundos que se Cruzam Para uma ontologia dos estudos de (2024)

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Oslo Studies in Language

‘Ser’, ‘estar’, ‘ficar’, ‘haver’ e ‘ter’ contra ‘ha’, ‘bli’ e ‘være’: quem disse que era fácil traduzir sentimentos e sensações?

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It is well known that some kinds of expressions with so-called “have” and “be” verbs behave differently across languages, as is the case with Portuguese and Norwegian ‘tenho medo/pena’ (have) or ‘være redd/lei’ (be). But to what extent is this difference important for the translation of this class of verbs (given that there are a few that literally correspond to English ‘be’ and ‘have’, in the two languages)? In this paper I discuss what a corpus of (student) translations between Portuguese and Norwegian (PoNTE) can tell us about eight very frequent verbs (five Portuguese and three Norwegian), that range from auxiliaries to full lexical verbs,and which stand out as some of the most challenging ones to learn for foreign learners. After presenting an overview of their occurrence, in original and translated text, I go deeper into the functions of the Portuguese verbs by classifying every case in the source texts according to fifteen categories, thereby providing an interesting bird’s e...

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Automatic Anonymisation of a new Portuguese-English Parallel Corpus in the Legal-Financial Domain

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Oslo Studies in Language 7 (1) / 2015 Linguística, Informática e Tradução: Mundos que se Cruzam Homenagem a Belinda Maia Linguística, Informática e Tradução: Mundos que se Cruzam Contents Mundos que se Cruzam Para uma ontologia dos estudos de (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.