why do people take selfies in cars? – WhatinCar (2024)

It’s dangerous because you have to hold your phone up and aim it at yourself, and it can be hard to angle it just right. You might not be able to see what you’re doing, either you could end up taking a picture of your shoulder or the dashboard.

The best way to take selfies in cars is by using an app that lets you set up the shot before you start snapping away. This way, you’ll know exactly what kind of photo you want to take before getting behind the wheel.

Just a famous

It’s a famous person taking a selfie in a car because they can. And just like any other famous person, they want to share that moment with their fans. They want to show the world that they’re just like us and that being a celebrity doesn’t mean you have to be different from us. So when you see them with their phone out, it’s not just because they want to post it on Instagram—it’s because they genuinely want to connect with the people who supported them along the way and share their success with them.

Make a money

The first reason people take selfies in cars is that they want to show off their car. They want to show off how much money they spent on their car, how much they love their car, or how many people they’ve killed in their car.

The second reason people take selfies in cars is that they want to show off the look of a certain type of car. If someone has a Lamborghini Huracan but not a Ferrari F60, then they may take a selfie with the Lamborghini because it looks like a Ferrari F60 but costs less than one. This also works for other cars that look similar – like a BMW 6 Series Gran Coupe and an Aston Martin Rapide S.

The third reason people take selfies in cars is that they have a really nice camera phone and want to use it for something other than just taking selfies of themselves at home and posting them on Instagram (which is what most people do).

To see fashion

People take selfies in cars to see fashion. Car selfies are a way for people to show off their outfits and get feedback from their friends. It’s a fun way to share your style. This is especially true for teenagers, who love taking pictures of themselves in cars because they think it makes them look cool.

They want to show off their new jeans or shirt, but they don’t want to do it on the street because they’re afraid someone might see them. So instead, they take a photo of themselves in their car with their phone and send it out to all of their friends.

Car selfies also help teens feel like they’re part of a group. Everyone knows that social media can be lonely sometimes, which is why it’s important for teens to have friends who understand what they’re going through.

They need people around them who care about them and will listen when something goes wrong and taking selfies with other people helps provide that sense of community.

Famous in the world

People take selfies in cars because they want to be famous. This is true of most selfie-takers, not just those who do it in cars. The reason people are so drawn to the idea of being famous is that they feel like they can’t get heard otherwise. If you’ve ever felt like no one was listening to you or that no one cared about what you had to say, then perhaps you can relate.

We all have a desire for attention and validation, but not everyone has the same way of getting it. For some people, trying to get attention by posting a selfie on Instagram may not be enough it may not even feel like enough. They need more validation than that; they need something bigger than themselves to validate them.

Access to all institutions

They are trying to gain access to all institutions in their life. He says this is because people want to be able to go anywhere and do anything, and pictures of themselves doing it are proof that they can.

The author says that selfies are a way for us to get approval from other people who are watching us on social media. He also says that selfies help us feel like we’re part of something bigger than ourselves like when we post a selfie with someone famous or when we post something funny or cute and get lots of likes.

Have fun in the car

If you’re like me, you enjoy taking selfies in cars. You know the feeling of being in the driver’s seat, with the wind blowing through your hair and a gorgeous view (or even just a plain old view) behind you. It’s relaxing, inspiring, and fun.

Make the best selfie

People take selfies in cars because it’s the perfect opportunity to take a selfie. You’re already sitting down, so you don’t have to worry about balancing yourself. You’re also usually alone, so there’s no one else to get in your way. And if you’re driving alone, you don’t have to worry about posing for anyone else but yourself. If you’re like most people, then you probably love cars. Cars are cool.


It’s also a way to show off the car they have, and make sure everyone knows how much money they spent on it. People also like to take selfies in cars because it gives them something to do while they’re waiting for their friend to pull out of his or her parking space at the mall.

The results showed that most people took selfies in cars because they thought it was fun. Some said they did it because they wanted to show off their car, or brag about how much money they had spent on their vehicle.

why do people take selfies in cars? – WhatinCar (2024)


Why do people take selfies in cars? ›

In any case, I think the reason people tend to take selfies in their cars specifically is because they can get good lighting in there. If the sunshine is right and is hitting a person's face from both the side windows and windshield, it can make for a more flattering photo than inside a building or something like that.

What is the main reason you take selfies? ›

Selfies are, in a way, their own mirrors: they show our image for the world to see as we want to be seen, and they safeguard against the fear of losing control of our minds and lives. Selfies, as it turns out, are one of our natural instincts to reduce anxiety.

Why do people take pictures of themselves taking selfies? ›

A new study may help explain why people choose to include themselves in some photos – and it is not vanity. Researchers found that first-person photos (capturing the scene as it looks from one's own eyes) best represent the physical experience of an event for people.

What do selfies say about the psychology of you? ›

Selfies help people portray a version of themselves to the world. This is a statement that says “Look at me. This is who I am.” At times, it can be a very powerful statement and inspire people on to great things in their lives, while at other times, it is simply something that helps them get through the day.

What is the meaning of car selfie? ›

A carfie is a selfie taken in the car, usually while in the driver's seat.

Why do car selfies look better? ›

Why do car selfies look so good? To start with, natural daylight is bright and beautiful, especially when it's filtered through your car windows. lighting system you see in portrait studio photography.

What kind of person takes a lot of selfies? ›

The stereotype is that people who post selfies are full of themselves or outright narcissists. Often, however, someone who posts too many selfies can have low self-esteem. According to one study, men who post a lot of selfies may be suffering from narcissism, but this is not as true for women.

Are selfies good or bad? ›

While selfies may seem harmless enough, and many times they are, they can have negative consequences for teens in combination with social media. These can include diminished self-esteem, distorted body image, and behavior that may have harmful effects.

What do you call a person who loves taking selfies? ›

One term for someone who frequently takes selfies is "selfie enthusiast" or "selfie addict." "Selfie queen" is another word used to characterize someone who frequently snaps selfies.

Do narcissists take lots of selfies? ›

The study of 276 college students found that there was no significant difference between how many selfies those high in narcissism and those low in narcissism reported taking over the past week. Narcissism did, however, appear to influence the type of selfie being taken.

Why are selfies so popular today? ›

The appeal of selfies comes from how easy they are to create and share, and the control they give people over how they present themselves.

Are selfies attention seeking? ›

Females as well as individuals with high extraversion and agreeableness engage in selfie-posting and selfie-editing more frequently while neurotic individuals tend to avoid engaging this behavior. Individuals tend to post selfies most commonly for communication followed by attention-seeking purpose.

Is it vain to take a selfie? ›

People who take selfies are not vain but use the images to remember events that have a deep emotional meaning to them, a study has found.

What is the psychology behind people who take selfies? ›

The act of taking selfies, as revealed by research, can sometimes be a manifestation of complex emotional states, where individuals seek affirmation and connection in the digital realm.

How selfies affect your brain? ›

Professor Sinclair McBride calls this the "Selfie Effect." What the studies have shown is that scrolling through an unlimited supply of picture perfect images and then comparing them real time to your selfies - bam! That can have a real effect on people's moods and psychological health.

Why does everyone film in their car? ›

Cars are the only place of nearly sound proof privacy outside of home, and many people don't have privacy at home to vent. Why do a lot of vloggers film in their cars? It keeps them in touch with their followers with a real time feeling. Also can feel like they are taking you with them on a days journey.

What is it called when you take pictures of cars? ›

Automotive photography helps people celebrate and share their rides. Get advice on how to make car photos shine and bring out the best in unique automobiles.

Is it normal to see faces in cars? ›

It's what scientists call face pareidolia: It's an optical illusion in which people can see a facial structure in a monotonous, everyday object, often though of as a survival instinct carried over from early humans (when being able to see a face could mean the difference between life and death).

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.